More synergies for 3R research

The mission of the Federal Network 3Rs.

Animals as model organisms still continue to be indispensable for research. Animal testing delivers important data about how effective drugs are and whether certain chemicals are toxic for humans. An ethical dilemma emerges – the striving for knowledge and safety of humans on the one hand, and animal welfare on the other.

The 3Rs (replace, reduce, refine) provide the framework for research that is better in line with animal welfare requirements. The aim is to replace animal testing whenever possible by alternative methods or at least reduce the number of animals needed where animal testing is unavoidable. The other aim is to reduce animal distress and refine individual animal experiments in order to garner as much information as possible. Beside the animal welfare aspect, there are scientific arguments in favour of new alternative methods as these methods often prove of greater relevance for humans.

Since 1980, the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) has supported the research community in the search for and development of alternative methods to replace or refine animal experiments. The regulations for funding alternative methods to animal testing that were published in November 2021 updated the BMBF’s established priority with the aim of accelerating the transfer of research findings into practical application.

The high success rate and quality of research activities in Germany contribute significantly to animal welfare and the avoidance of animal testing. Despite these successes, there is a continued need for research and increased demand for the sustainable and nationwide implementation of new methods.

The BMBF therefore launched the Federal Network 3Rs in 2022, a networking initiative in 3R research and application in Germany. The main focus of the network is on interdisciplinary/transdisciplinary exchange between research, industry, policymakers, regulatory authorities and interest groups. Its mission as a network initiator is to facilitate exchange and meeting opportunities between the different disciplines and actors, thus building a strong community that jointly advances 3R research and its transfer into practical application in Germany.
Become a part of the Federal Network 3Rs and take advantage of the synergies for your research, too!

As a registered member you can access the profiles and get in touch with experts and institutions involved in 3R research in Germany. The 3Rs event calendar provides up-to-date information about important upcoming events, training offerings and conferences. For details see here.

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